Sometimes you really need to get out of your comfort zone to learn the wonderous inner workings of the disco lifestyle. As mentioned before, my new profile ‘Doctor Asa” is just all about that. Inspired by the Golden show in Beijing and forwarded.. or more like catapulted to an experience of life that’s not just in Florida but all over the world. I don’t have that many people who I can thank for it, except every single one of you. Many know how hippies say “we are connected”, and I used to laught at this saying. Thinking that it’s impossible, not really understanding what it ment.
Well, thank god we started traveling because it really brought my senses to the “new age”. Not some new age electronic meditation CD, but more of a funky disco tune that grabs life from the balls. One really has to have them, so that you can embrace the adventure that is waiting for you. I am thinking of making a movie out of it, Barmitzvah style, but I am just not sure anymore if this exciting life of mine can be capture on camera anymore. Of course parts of it can and will be memorised and presented to you folks when the time is right.. I just sometimes wish that I could do more, with an attitude that would take all of you with me. No matter if you could afford the flight or not, everyone deserves to broaden their horizons at least once in their life.
Truth is that anyone can, it’s just the guts that are often a lack. When I say balls btw, women usually have more than men. You wouldn’t believe the amount of brave, crazy, disco loving and wonderful female travelers I have met on my journey. They should be proud, because they have really discovered the salt of their lives.
This very salt, is excatly sometimes that I need in life. As I have written, I am feeling spiritual. Perhaps there is a new flavor of salt in town, the one that is united with all, one with all and coated in spirituality. Don’t you think so?
Mark Asa