Seriously, homework is mostly a waste of time and we now have the stats to prove it.
Countries with modernized education systems such as Finland have the least amount of homework in the world. Ranging from few hours a week to none.. And they rank among the top of PISA scores.
However, if you cannot move to the cold Scandinavia you have other solutions too.
The smart approach to homework:
In most countries, homework is not going anywhere so better take the most out of it.
By using homework help sites such as these.
Textbook answers have taken on a whole new meaning, providing not just copy/paste but more importantly, easy to follow solutions and explanations together with the answers.
So there’s no need to waste your time copying the answers without learning anything. Because with such help sites you can use homework as means for doing revision and more.
Benefits of using less time for homework:
This is just from the top of my head some of the best advantages I’ve experienced when I stopped suffering from too much homework and wasting my time, to using online homework help.
- Getting my homework done in time without mistakes boosted my confidence
- Teachers thought I was doing my best and got off my back
- More free time to promote brain activity needed for school
- Turning homework to revision promoted better exam scores
- Much less stress and fatigue at school
- No need to enroll to time consuming study groups, or try to hook up with annoying study mates. Because I can get answers and explanations to any problem and fast.
So be it any school subject in high school, college or even the university, there is so much you can benefit from this modern approach to homework, that I find it crazy to NOT use it.
You can improve school subjects such as literature, geography, design & technology, chemistry, languages, mathematics, design technology, art, French, Latin, computer studies, commerce, physics, sociology, modern studies, citizenship, English, biology, science, Spanish, business studies, history, information and communication technology (ICT), health and hygiene, PSHE (personal, social and health education), psychology, Italian and religion.
And especially math! No use banging your head trying to figure out algebra and calculus, while you can see the solutions while you are working on math problems. Absolutely life saver.
What’s your way to balance the two, homework and time?
I’d love to hear your comments and rants!
Good luck studying, Mark.
Whoa, more party less homework sounds good. And it is.
Thanks, this just works. Asa.